Date | Title | Type |
May 21, 2004 |
Sockeye 1.2 ReleasedSockeye has reached 1.2 status. The latest version of the 3D genome visualisation software is now available for Linux, Windows and Solaris. This software was produced by the Gene Regulation (Informatics) group and is funded by Genome Canada . The new release now contains the ability to dynamically generate primer predictions using the Primer3 program. Details of this feature can be found here . |
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May 12, 2004 |
DiscoverySpace 3.2.1 update adds SAGE tag mappingThe new CMOST (Comprehensive Mapping of SAGE Tags) plug-in is based on a sophisticated algorithm that improves the assignment of SAGE results to their likely transcripts by mapping up to 90% of the experimental tags. In addition, the new release contains an improved GO Browser and a reworked 2D Expression Viewer. |
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Apr 29, 2004 |
Chinook HonouredChinook has been awarded the 2004 BCNet "Best Overall Application Award" in the "Coolest Application" competition at the 4th Annual BCNet 2004 Conference. The award was made to Stephen Montgomery, lead developer. Chinook is a peer-to-peer (P2P) bioinformatics service. The goal of the Chinook platform is to facilitate exchange of analysis techniques within a local community and/or worldwide. Chinook operates by turning command-line applications into services which are broadcast over a virtual network. Currently, there are over 10 analysis services that have been made "Chinook-ready". These range from alignment to regulation prediction algorithms. Furthermore, Chinook is designed to make it extremely easy to add new services. This is facilitated using XML. |
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Apr 19, 2004 |
GSC Bioinformatics platform is movingAll computer services provided by the Genome Sciences Centre will be down from 6 pm Thursday, April 22nd until approximately 9 am Monday, April 26th. This includes the GSC web site, collaborator access to web and ftp data, and access to all services (e.g. DiscoverySpace). |
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Mar 08, 2004 |
Sockeye 1.2 Beta ReleasedSockeye has reached 1.2 beta status. The latest version of the 3D genome visualisation software is now available for Linux, Windows and Solaris. See here for more details about this Genome Canada funded project. The new release now contains the ability to dynamically generate primer predictions using the Primer3 program. Details of this feature can be found here . |
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Mar 03, 2004 |
Draft genome sequence for the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans variety gattii releasedThe Genome Sciences Centre in collaboration with Jim Kronstad in the Biotechnology Laboratory at the University of British Columbia has released a draft sequence of the genome of strain WM276 of the fungal pathogen C. neoformans. The publically available data were collected with funding from Genome Canada through Genome BC. |
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Jan 26, 2004 |
Sockeye 1.1 ReleasedSockeye has reached 1.1 status. The latest version of the 3D genome visualisation software is now available for Linux and Windows. Solaris and Mac OS X versions will be available soon. See here for more details about this Genome Canada funded project. The new release now contains features to allow the easy graphical representation of DNA sequence alignments between related genes. more >> |
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Jan 16, 2004 |
C. elegans nematode SAGE data<img src="/about/news/images/celegans_icon.png" width="48" height="48" align="right" vspace="7" hspace="0" border="0" /> <p> The Genome BC and Genome Canada funded <i>C. elegans</i> gene expression project has released a collection of more than 1.6 million sequenced tags from 15 Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) libraries. The gene expression data covers a variety of developmental stages, tissues and cell types. The SAGE data are available for public download at <a href=""></a>. Additional SAGE data will be added on an on-going basis.</p> |
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Dec 22, 2003 |
Bovine Genome Sequencing ProjectThe Bovine Genome Project is a joint sequencing effort among the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH); USDA; the state of Texas; Genome Canada; The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Australia; and Agritech Investments Ltd (a subsidiary of Meat New Zealand), Dairy Insight Inc. and AgResearch Ltd, all of New Zealand. On behalf of Genome Canada, the Genome Sciences Centre will be participating in the DNA sequencing of full-length cDNA inserts. |
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Nov 12, 2003 |
Mouse Atlas of Gene Expression web site launchedA new web site has been launched for the project "A Quantitative and Comprehensive Atlas of Gene Expression in Mouse Development" at . This web site provides public access to the data being generated by the project. |
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Sep 12, 2003 |
Draft genome sequence for Rhodococcus RHA1 publishedThe Department of Microbiology and Immunology at UBC and the Genome Sciences Centre have published a draft genome sequence of the Rhodococcus RHA1 genome . The publicly available data includes the contigs comprising the genome sequence and ORF list. The ORF list was extracted in an automated manner using Glimmer . This project is funded by Genome BC through Genome Canada. |
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Aug 21, 2003 |
Sockeye 1.0 releasedSockeye has reached 1.0 status. The latest version of the 3D genome visualisation software is now available for Linux and Windows. See here for more details about this Genome Canada funded project. |
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Apr 12, 2003 |
SARS Associated CoronavirusThe Genome Sciences Centre has generated the genomic sequence of the Toronto isolate, TOR2, of the Coronavirus which may be associated with the condition known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The current SARS sequence is now available for download on our SARS-associated Coronavirus page . |
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Apr 03, 2003 |
Sockeye 0.8.2 ReleasedThe lastest Beta version of the 3D Genome visualisation software, Sockeye, is now available. Go to the Sockeye homepage for more information. |
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Apr 03, 2003 |
The Anniversary of the HelixApril 2003 marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of the structure of the double helical DNA molecule. This nobel prize-winning discovery formed the basis for our understanding of the mechanisms of hereditary and has subsequently catalyzed an explosion in biomedical and molecular biological research. |
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Feb 13, 2003 |
Posters: Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) 2003Posters presented at the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) 2003 meeting in Flordia, USA by the Genome Sciences Centre are available online. |
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Dec 17, 2002 |
Posters: Genome Sciences Centre at BCCA Annual Conference 2002Posters presented at the BC Cancer Agency's Annual Conference 2002 by the Genome Sciences Centre are available for download. |
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Aug 08, 2002 |
Mouse Physical Map CompletedThe completed compilation of the physical map of the mouse genome was announced in an article in the journal Nature. The public effort of mapping the mouse genome was carried out at the Genome Sciences Centre. The map of the mouse leverages the already completed human physical map and nearly completed human sequence assembly . |
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Jul 19, 2002 |
Ensembl MirrorThe Genome Sciences Centre now provides an Ensembl mirror . Ensembl is an open source software system which produces and maintains automatic annotation on eukaryotic genomes. |
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Jul 10, 2002 |
Training Program in BioinformaticsWe are pleased to announce the launch of the Bioinformatics Training Program for Health Research , with the first classes beginning in September, 2002. |
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