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FASSI 0.1 released

The fingerprint and assembly incorporation software (FASSI) has been released. This stand-alone application calculates BAC end length constraints from clone fingerprint map contigs created by the FPC package. These constraints are used to promote the linkage and guide the arrangement of sequence contigs during the whole-genome shotgun sequence assembly process.

We have developed a targeted approach to improve the contiguity of whole-genome shotgun sequence (WGS) assemblies at run-time, using information from Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC)-based physical maps. Clone sizes and overlaps derived from clone fingerprints are used for the calculation of length constraints between any two BAC neighbors sharing a significant portion of their size. These constraints are used to promote the linkage and guide the arrangement of sequence contigs within a scaffold at the layout phase of WGS assemblies. This process is facilitated by FASSI, the fingerprint and assembly incorporation software. For more information, visit the FASSI software page.

Page last modified Sep 26, 2006