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Computational platform for splicing microarray design

ALEXA: a microarray design platform for alternative expression analysis.

“ALEXA” – a microarray design platform for alternative expression analysis” describes a computational resource that helps researchers design customized ‘next-generation’ gene expression microarrays with the ability to profile cancer samples with enhanced accuracy and sophistication. The ALEXA resource is an open source initiative intended to accelerate the discovery of diagnostic and prognosis markers of tumour progression and response to treatment. This work, with data obtained through analysis of drug resistant and sensitive colorectal cancer cell lines.

Full citation:

Griffith M, Tang MJ, Griffith OL, Morin RD, Chan SY, Asano JK, Zeng T, Flibotte S, Ally A, Baross A, Hirst M, Jones SJ, Morin GB, Tai IT and Marra MA. 
Nature Methods 2008. 5(2):118.

Further details of this publication can be found online at:

Page last modified Jul 23, 2008