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Method to detect and classify genome rearrangements

A BAC clone fingerprinting approach to the detection of human genome rearrangements.
We report on the development of a new method, which we call Fingerprint Profiling (FPP), that uses fingerprints of BAC clones to locate and classify genomic rearrangements. The method is sensitive to both balanced (e.g. translocations) and small (1-5kb) rearrangements. By computationally comparing experimental fingerprints from clones constructed from a sample genome (e.g. DNA of a tumor cell) to the reference sequence assembly a detailed difference map between sample and reference can be made. FPP is produces results that are robust against repeats and its clone-based approach is ideal for identifying rearranged clones for functional studies.

Full citation

Krzywinski M, Bosdet I, Mathewson C, Wye N,
Brebner J, Chiu R, Corbett R, Field M, Lee D, Pugh T, Volik S, Siddiqui A, Jones S, Schein J, Collins C, Marra M.  Genome Biology 2007. 8(10):R224.

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Page last modified Jul 24, 2008