Publications for download
Our research papers on the genetics of healthy aging.
Analysis of long-lived C.elegans, 2005 — by Julius Halaschek-Wiener — last modified Dec 11, 2009 01:49 AM
- Analysis of long-lived C. elegans daf-2 mutants using serial analysis of gene expression. Genome Research 2005; 15(5):603-15. Halaschek-Wiener J, Khattra JS, McKay S, Pouzyrev A, Stott JM, Yang GS, Holt RA, Jones SJ, Marra MA, Brooks-Wilson AR, Riddle DL.
Telomere length in the healthy oldest old, 2008 — by Julius Halaschek-Wiener — last modified Dec 11, 2009 01:49 AM
- Reduced telomere length variation in healthy oldest old. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 2008; 129(11):638-41. Halaschek-Wiener J, Vulto I, Fornika D, Collins J, Connors JM, Le ND, Lansdorp PM, Brooks-Wilson A.
Genetic Variation in Healthy oldest-old, 2009 — by Julius Halaschek-Wiener — last modified Dec 11, 2009 01:49 AM
- Genetic variation in healthy oldest-old. PLoS One. 2009; 4(8):e6641. Halaschek-Wiener J, Amirabbasi-Beik M, Monfared N, Pieczyk M, Sailer C, Kollar A, Thomas R, Agalaridis G, Yamada S, Oliveira L, Collins JA, Meneilly G, Marra MA, Madden KM, Le ND, Connors JM, Brooks-Wilson AR.
Progeria of stem cells, 2007 — by Julius Halaschek-Wiener — last modified Dec 11, 2009 01:49 AM
- Progeria of stem cells: stem cell exhaustion in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. Journal of Gerontology A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 ;62(1):3-8. Review paper. Halaschek-Wiener J, Brooks-Wilson A.
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Apr 21, 2015