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Jul 26, 2012 |
TCGA Researchers Report on Colorectal Cancer AnalysesNEW YORK (reported in the GenomeWeb News) – In a study appearing July 19th in Nature, members of The Cancer Genome Atlas network described the genomic patterns that they have uncovered in colorectal carcinomas, including samples originating at sites in either the colon or the rectum, revealing the similar genomic profiles that are generally present in tumors at each site. |
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Apr 04, 2012 |
Darwinian evolution in the deadliest of breast cancersBC Cancer Agency scientists have decoded the genetic make-up of triple negative breast cancer, which could lead to more effective treatment. |
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Apr 04, 2012 |
The Centre for Clinical Genomic Diagnostics (CDG) gains CAP accreditation |
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Apr 04, 2012 |
Michael Smith Distinguished Research Lecture - April 10thDr. Marco Marra will be speaking on April 10, 2012 - 4:00 pm, Life Sciences Centre, University of British Columbia |
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Feb 06, 2012 |
Autophagy Workshop & Symposium 2012Autophagy: an Emerging Therapeutic Target in Human Disease hosted by the CIHR Team in Autophagy . Meeting organizers: Sharon Gorski (team leader), Julian Lum (co-PI, Deeley Research Centre, BCCA) and Robert Young (co-PI, Chemistry, Simon Fraser University). |
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Jan 19, 2012 |
Lloyd Skarsgard Excellence in Research Award 2011Awarded to Dr. Ryan Morin at the BC Cancer Agency Annual Conference December 3, 2011. |
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Dec 07, 2011 |
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) 1st Annual Scientific Symposium: presentations on-lineThe Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) is an NIH-initiated, comprehensive, and coordinated effort to accelerate the understanding of the genetics of cancer using innovative genome analysis technologies. The TCGA consortium will study more than 25 tumor types and analyze thousands of samples over the next five years. Each cancer will undergo detailed genomic characterization that incorporates powerful bioinformatic and data analysis components. |
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Dec 07, 2011 |
Steven J.M. Jones honoured as a Fellow of the Royal Society of CanadaThe Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada have elected 78 new Fellows from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Fellows have been elected by their peers in recognition of outstanding scholarly, scientific and artistic achievement. Steven Jones was elected in the Division of Life Sciences at the RSC. |
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Oct 18, 2011 |
BC Cancer Agency and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute research teams independently identify first infectious agent associated with colon cancerIn two studies published online today in Genome Research (, independent research teams have identified Fusobacterium in colon cancer tissue, a finding that could open new avenues for diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Rob Holt leads the research team at the Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency . |
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Oct 07, 2011 |
Government of Canada Strengthens Cancer Research in British Columbia$2.2 million in federal funding announced at the Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre for the BC Cancer Agency, in order to purchase three leading-edge genome sequencers . |
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Oct 05, 2011 |
Video of Dr. Marianne Sadar speaking at the IMPaCT Meeting Plenary sessionAs part of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, Marianne Sadar spoke at the IMPaCT Meeting Plenary session entitled, “Mechanisms of Disease Progression” as part of The U. S. Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program. |
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Sep 13, 2011 |
2012 AAAS Annual Meeting from 16-20 February in Vancouver, B.C.A Discovery Track Symposium co-hosted by Drs Sharon Gorski and Julian Lum (BC Cancer Agency): Autophagy: An Emerging Therapeutic Target in Human Disease will be among the wide ranging topics on offer. |
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Sep 13, 2011 |
Gene Screen BC video competitionVote for the People's Choice award before Monday September 19th. Gene Screen BC 2011 video competition winners will be announced at a Screening Gala on Sept 26, 2011. |
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Jul 21, 2011 |
BC Cancer Agency Annual Conference - call for AbstractsBC Cancer Agency Annual Cancer Conference 2011 December 1st to 3rd, 2011 at the Westin Bayshore, Vancouver |
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Jul 04, 2011 |
Personalized Medicine on the Horizon for BC Cancer Patients“Genomics Applied to the Management of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)” led by Dr. Aly Karsan, Medical Director of the Cancer Genetics Laboratory at the BC Cancer Agency and Dr. Marco Marra, Director of the BC Cancer Agency’s Genome Sciences Centre, is one of three projects being funded by Genome BC’s Personalized Medicine Program. Genome BC and the BC Cancer Foundation are contributing $1 million each to the AML project. Additional co-funding is provided through other sources including Simon Fraser University and Illumina. |
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Mar 07, 2011 |
Autophagy Symposium - March 25thThe CIHR Emerging Team in Autophagy (BCCA, SFU) in collaboration with the Michael Smith Laboratories (UBC) and the Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD) is hosting a day long symposium in Autophagy at the MSL, UBC on Friday, March 25th. Keynote Speakers: Tamotsu Yoshimori (Osaka University) and David C. Rubinsztein (Cambridge University). |
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Mar 02, 2011 |
The Canadian Pediatric Cancer Genome ConsortiumThe Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Genome Canada, Genome BC, Genome Quebec and the C17 Research Network announced their support of this $2.8 million research project on February 22, 2011. |
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Feb 16, 2011 |
International Human Microbiome CongressAttend this Congress to Learn About Cutting-Edge Research from Global Leaders in the Medical, Microbial and Computational Fields. Hyatt Regency Vancouver - March 9-11, 2011 |
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Dec 01, 2010 |
Dr. Marco Marra awarded a Tier 1 Health Canada Research Chair in Genome ScienceDr. Marco Marra, Distinguished Scientist and Director of the Genome Sciences Centre at the BCCA and Professor of Medical Genetics at UBC has been awarded a highly prestigious and competitive Canada Research Chair in Genome Science at the University of British Columbia. |
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Dec 01, 2010 |
BC Cancer Agency Annual Conference Recognition AwardsDr. Marco Marra, Head of BC Cancer Agency's Michael Smith's Genome Sciences Centre, received the British Columbia Medical Association Terry Fox Medal at the BC Cancer Agency's Annual Awards Banquet on Friday, November 26, 2010 at the Westin Bayshore Hotel in Vancouver. |
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