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LaneRuler Documentation

LaneRuler - automated lane tracking software for electrophoresis gels

This is a short tutorial on the LaneRuler software suite. The core module is a command line c program, whose result can be reviewed and corrected using a java interface. The tutorial will go through the flow of the program, various flags for specifying the format of the gel, and details about all the options available.

LaneRuler - automated lane tracking software for electrophoresis gels - Read More…

cDNA gel

Sample lane tracking result for a cDNA gel.

cDNA gel - Read More…

PCR gel

Sample lane tracking result for a PCR gel.

PCR gel - Read More…

DNA fingerprinting gel

Sample lane tracking result for a DNA fingerprinting gel.

DNA fingerprinting gel - Read More…

Sample lane tracking result for a PCR gel.

Sample lane tracking result for a PCR gel.

Due to low data density, toneadjustment was turned off. Function call: >findlanes -p <project_directory> -a

Sample lane tracking result for a PCR gel. - Read More…

Sample lane tracking result for a cDNA gel.

Sample lane tracking result for a cDNA gel.

A rotation was required as the gel initially had wells at top edge of the image. Due to low number of marker lanes, we match all peaks in all zones (-i). Tone adjustment was not done due to high data signal (-a). The morphology element size was adjusted since the marker band separation to image width ratio has changed significantly. Function call: >findlanes --numlanes 11 --markerperiod 10 --orientation 1 -a -i --morphelement 150

Sample lane tracking result for a cDNA gel. - Read More…

Page last modified Jun 04, 2010