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Proteomics Research

The GSC Proteomics Platform performs collaborative research to characterize and quantify the changes to proteins and the proteome that drive tumourigenesis. The goal is to identify and validate therapeutic targets and biomarkers for the translation of genomics information into clinical practice.

The GSC Proteomics Platform has two primary research areas:

  1. The functional analysis of gene products (proteins) with aberrant expression in tumours, or identified as somatically mutated through tumour genome sequencing;
  2. To quantify the global proteome changes in patient tumour samples to identify biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, and drug response.


workflow v1

Specialized Techniques

Quantitative Global Proteomics

The Proteomics Platform is on the cutting edge of quantitative global proteome analysis. The Tandem Mass Tag (TMT) based discovery proteomics pipeline is used to routinely detect and quantify 8,000+ proteins in a sample and can be applied to whole proteome or immunoprecipitation/affinity purification. Methods have been developed for co-isolation of nucleic acids and proteins from a single homogenous sample as well as surface protein enrichment. Tissues can be processed from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE), DMSO fixed, fresh frozen, or cores. Cells and biological fluids are also amenable to this protocol.


MRM v2Targeted Proteomics

Targeted quantification of proteins, protein complexes, protein pathways, mutated proteins, splice isoforms, and biomarkers using MRM, SRM, and PRM techniques are routinely used for precise and robust quantification of specific proteins. Cells, biological fluids, or tissues (FFPE or DMSO fixed, fresh frozen, or cores) are amenable to this protocol.


Small Molecule Quantification

Targeted methods have been developed for select small molecules, and global metabolomics methods are in development.


Protein Biochemistry

The Platform develops isogenic cell culture systems to study aberrant protein function, and to express and purify recombinant proteins for protein chemistry research. The Platform is broadly equipped with capabilities for protein engineering, biochemical assays, peptide and protein fractionation techniques, ultracentrifugation, and density gradient analyses.





1Hughes, CS; McConechy, MK; Cochrane, DR; Nazeran, T; Karnezis AN, Huntsman, DG, Morin, GB. Quantitative Profiling of Single Formalin Fixed Tumour Sections: proteomics for translational research. Sci Rep, 2016.

Page last modified Oct 09, 2019