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Software Release DIDA 1.0.1
by Ben Vandervalk published Apr 24, 2015
This version introduces compression of intermediate files to reduce disk space requirements.
Located in Platforms / / DIDA / Releases
Software Release Sealer 1.9.0
by Ben Vandervalk published Nov 03, 2015
First official release of Sealer following publication.
Located in Platforms / / Sealer / Releases
Software Release Konnector 2.0
by Ben Vandervalk published Nov 03, 2015
First release following publication of Konnector 2.0
Located in Platforms / / Konnector / Releases
Software Release ABySS 1.9.0
by Ben Vandervalk published May 29, 2015 last modified May 29, 2015 03:55 PM
This release introduces a new paired de Bruijn graph mode for assembly. In paired de Bruijn graph mode, ordinary k-mers are replaced by k-mer pairs, where each k-mer pair is separated by a fixed-size gap. The primary advantage of paired de Bruijn graph mode is that the span of a k-mer pair can be arbitrarily wide without consuming additional memory, and thus provides improved scalability for assemblies of long sequencing reads. This release also introduces a new tool called Sealer for closing scaffold gaps, new Konnector functionality for producing long pseudo-reads, and support for the DIDA (Distributed Indexing Disptached Alignment) parallel alignment framework.
Located in Platforms / / ABySS / Releases
by Ben Vandervalk last modified May 29, 2015 03:52 PM
Located in Platforms / / Releases / ABySS 1.9.0
Software Release ABySS 2.0.1
by Ben Vandervalk published Sep 14, 2016
This release resolves some licensing issues with that were pointed out in 2.0.0. As of 2.0.1, ABySS is now available under a standard GPL-3 license, and the libraries included under `lib/rolling-hash` and `lib/bloomfilter` are now also licensed under GPL-3. For alternative licensing terms, please contact Patrick Rebstein (prebstein at
Located in Platforms / / ABySS / Releases
Downloadable File abyss-2.0.1.tar.gz
by Ben Vandervalk last modified Sep 14, 2016 03:24 PM
Located in Platforms / / Releases / ABySS 2.0.1
Software Release ABySS 2.1.1
by Ben Vandervalk published Sep 11, 2018
This release provides bug fixes and modest improvements to Bloom filter assembly contiguity/correctness. Parallelization of Sealer has also been improved, thanks to contributions by @schutzekatze.
Located in Platforms / / ABySS / Releases
Downloadable File source code
by Ben Vandervalk last modified Sep 11, 2018 02:11 PM
Located in Platforms / / Releases / ABySS 2.1.1
Software Release ABySS 2.1.2
by Ben Vandervalk published Oct 24, 2018 last modified Oct 24, 2018 12:38 PM
This release improves scaffold N50 on human by ~10%, due to implementation of a new `--median` option for `DistanceEst` (thanks to @lcoombe!). This release also adds a new `--max-cost` option for `konnector` and `abyss-sealer` that curbs indeterminately long running times, particularly at low k values.
Located in Platforms / / ABySS / Releases