Batch anaLysIS Suite (BLISS)

Project Description

The Batch anaLysIS Suite (BLISS) is intended to help identify batch effects in RNA expression data.  It has been tested on miRNA and mRNA results derived from the illumina sequencing platform.

There are 2 modes:

  1. In a matched experiment (the same set of samples are sequenced twice) we can evaluate the significance of any systematic differences between the two runs.   This is meant to allow researchers to identify whether a change in technology is likely to introduce a batch effect.   We have used this to evaluate the differences between illumina sequencing pipelines.
  2. A De Novo mode can take a matrix of expressions and subdivide the samples into the most prominent groups.   These results can then be used by a researcher to check for batch effects by correlating the identified groups with any known external variables such as disease type, sex, or sequencing platform.

NOTE: This code is meant to promote community collaboration in technology evaluation,  all discussion is encouraged.


Current Release

Released Aug 10, 2011

This version includes some hover-over features to allow inspection of the data during runtime.
More about this release…

Download file Get BLISS for Linux
code and test data
Download file Get BLISS for Windows
code and test data

All Releases

Version Released Description Compatibility Licenses Status
0.7 Aug 10, 2011 This version includes some hover-over features to allow inspection of the data during runtime. More about this release… BSD final
0.6 Jul 06, 2011 This release includes a GUI for accessing the functionality of the BLISS Matlab scripts. More about this release… BSD final
0.4.1 Jun 10, 2011 minor documentation updates. More about this release… AFL final
0.4.0 Jun 10, 2011 Greatly updated tutorials in the README. More about this release… AFL final
0.3 Jun 09, 2011 The matlab code, and example data are included in this release. Comments and questions are welcome. More about this release… BSD final