
NOTE: This software is now being distributed via - please see that site for the latest release.

Project Description

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Spark is a discovery tool intended to help you explore the patterns in your genome-wide data. While genome browsers offer a powerful means to integrate diverse data types, their view is inherently limited to individual genomic loci and it can be difficult to obtain a global overview of the predominant data patterns. To address this need, we developed Spark, which enables interactive data clustering and visualization, and serves as a complement to genome browsing.

The tool clusters data from a set of user defined regions. Through its Java-based visualization interface, a user can then interactively explore and refine the contents of each cluster and drill down to inspect the individual members. The software also integrates with popular web resources, for example, the UCSC genome browser and the DAVID gene ontology resource.

Current Release
Spark 1.1.0

Released Mar 15, 2012

Version 1.1.0 represents a significant update to previous releases. It enables new clustering analyses to be created within the graphical user interface and integrates the Epigenome Atlas and ENCODE data resources.
More about this release…

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All Releases

Version Released Description Compatibility Licenses Status
1.1.0 Mar 15, 2012 Version 1.1.0 represents a significant update to previous releases. It enables new clustering analyses to be created within the graphical user interface and integrates the Epigenome Atlas and ENCODE data resources. More about this release… AFL final
1.0.2 Jan 13, 2011 Improves compatibility with GFF3 format More about this release… AFL final
1.0.1 Dec 01, 2010 Resolved "DataWindow getValues()" error More about this release… AFL final
1.0 Nov 04, 2010 Initial Spark release. More about this release… BCCA (academic use) final