ABySS 1.2.3 (Sep 08, 2010)
Fix two bugs that caused the error messages: Assertion `m_comm.receiveEmpty()' failed. and error: unexpected ID
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Release Notes
State | Final release |
License | BCCA (academic use) |
2010-09-08 Shaun Jackman <sjackman@bcgsc.ca> * Release version 1.2.3. ABYSS-P: * Bug fix. Fix the bug causing the error Assertion `m_comm.receiveEmpty()' failed. PopBubbles: * Bug fix. Fix the bug causing the error error: unexpected ID PathOverlap: * Include the single-end contigs in the overlap graph. abyss-pe: * Output an overlap graph of the paired-end assembly in the file ${name}-contigs.dot. * Do not create the intermediate file ${name}-4.fa. abyss-adjtodot: * Convert an overlap graph in adj format to Graphviz dot format or SAM alignment format.