ABySS 1.0.3 (Feb 05, 2009)


Tidy up the ends of blunt contigs. Merge blunt contigs that are connected by pairs and overlap.

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Change log

2009-01-23  Shaun Jackman  <sjackman@bcgsc.ca>

  • Release version 1.0.3.
  • Merge contigs that ended due to a lack of coverage, but which are connected by paired-end reads and overlap unambiguously.
  • Track the multiplicity the sense and antisense strand separately. Erode the end of a blunt contig until it is represented by both strands.
  • Ignore the case of the nucleotide sequence of a FASTA file.
  • Increase the maximum FASTA line length from 1 kB to 64 kB to allow loading contigs.
  • Output the path through the single-end contigs in the comment field of the paired-end contig.
  • In the paired-end driver script, abyss-pe, Implement a coverage cutoff, c.  Pass the erosion parameter, e, to the single-end assembler.