ABySS 1.2.4 (Oct 14, 2010)


Replace gaps of Ns that span a region of ambiguous sequence with a consensus sequence of the possible sequences that fill the gap. The consensus sequence uses IUPAC-IUB ambiguity codes.

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Release Notes

State Final release
License BCCA (academic use)

2010-10-13  Shaun Jackman  <sjackman@bcgsc.ca>

    * Release version 1.2.4.

    * Fix the bug causing the error
    Unexpected sequence extension message.

    * Reduce the amount of memory used by KAligner.

    * New program. Replace gaps of Ns that span a region of ambiguous
    sequence with a consensus sequence of the possible sequences that
    fill the gap. By default a minimum 90% identity is required. This
    default can be changed with the parameter, p. The consensus
    sequence uses IUPAC-IUB ambiguity codes. DIALIGN-TX is used for
    the multiple sequence alignment.

    * Fix the bug causing the error
    Assertion `back(paths, u) == front(paths, v)' failed.